26 January 2012

You are clearly in a bad space today.

This is my favorite video on the entire internet.

Really. And I've watched a ton of youtube lately (thank you senioritis).

I'm so disappointed Community was benched mid-season and won't be back until the spring. It's a hilarious show. I know I have 30 Rock (though the new season's been disappointing thus far...), The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, and (of course) all the episodes of Firefly on DVD (plus commentary! ....yes, I've watched it all). But when all you want is a hearty dose of Community, nothing else will do. Also, maybe I watch too much T.V.

In further news, I've recently discovered that, like in the video, there are some weird and random things people leap to defend. Especially Muppets. I dare you to say you don't love the Muppets in public.

You'll be eaten alive.

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